Star Trek X RockLove Women of Star Trek Collection

To celebrate First Contact Day we are sharing a First Look at Star Trek X RockLove's newest jewelry collection!

The Women of Star Trek have changed the trajectory of so many lives.

With infinitely diverse origins and ethnicities, their presence on crew extended far beyond Earth and across the galaxy into the limitless future of space.

Star Trekโ€™s female characters portrayed positions of military and academic power; inspiring young girls across generations to pursue science, mathematics, computer science and space exploration. Women were represented as ambassadors and equals, with chief officers routinely relying on their sage advice and perspectives. And taking part in facilitating cultural change, as demonstrated only a year after the Supreme Court declared interracial marriage legal, Captain James T. Kirk and Lieutenant Nyota Uhura shared the first televised interracial kiss.

While there are many more strong Women of Star Trek (I havenโ€™t forgotten about you Captain Janeway), I had to start this Star Trek X RockLove jewelry collection somewhere. And what better way than by replicating three iconic earrings of three female characters that empowered us all to reach beyond the stars!